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Oct. 28, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass.        PLANNING BOARD  
Minutes  -- Regular Meeting -- October  28, 2015

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Tom Daly. Also present were: Rud Mason, John Mirick & Richard Bisk along with alternate Ann Neuburg
Jim Camp was in for an extension to his B&B “home occupation” special permit from Oct. 2013. The board considered the possibility that permits from other entities such as Board of Health and Fire Dept., were not secured and that was a condition of the S.P. before he opened the house to paying guests. Mr. Camp is calling his operation “AirBnB” which is the web-based home-sharing service. He said the state Exec. Off. Of Health & Human Services has been considering the legal status of the AirBnB concept but had no decisions yet. He also noted that no more guests have been booked since he has been communicating with the BOH as the issue gets sorted out for kitchen permits and Title V.
Regarding AirBnB, John M. pointed out that if a “use” is not listed/defined in the zoning bylaw, that means it’s not allowed by zoning. Board members commented that the AirBnB concept sounds just like the local definition of a B&B, so there is no difference.
For an extension, the board agreed that the site plan conditions are not changing, but Mr. Camp must meet other permit requirements and needs an approval of Board of Health for kitchen and Title V, Fire Dept. Regs. and Bldg. Dept. for extra egress from bedrooms. Mr. Camp asked for a two-year extension. The board noted that he’d had two years already. They discussed the time frame for new septic installation (the upgrade requiring the most time) and figured into next summer is a reasonable completion time for all permits.
        They voted all in favor to extend the special permit through Aug. 31, 2016.

Administrative Business
Board members decided to set one meeting each for November and December, and after discussion agreed on Nov. 18 and Dec. 9
Board voted all in favor to approve Oct. 14, 2015 regular meeting minutes.

8:15 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:   Special permit from Oct. 2013 for Goat Ridge Farm B&B

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department